Conditions Treated/Specialties:
Below is a list of conditions treated. Click on underlined text to learn more about my specialties or scroll down.
Chronic Illness
Family Conflict
Life Coaching
Life Transitions
Peer Relationships
Relationship Issues
Self Esteem
Weight Loss

Anxiety/Panic Disorders
Anxiety is a perceived fear about a future that has not yet happened. It presents itself as worry and panic and can cause physiological changes in the body, such as pounding heart, sweating, racing thoughts, and irritability. Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. However, people with anxiety disorders frequently have intense, excessive, and persistent debilitating worry and agitation about everyday situations.
Anxiety disorders often involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks). These feelings of anxiety and panic interfere with daily activities, are difficult to control, are out of proportion to the actual danger, and can last a long time. You may notice that you avoid places or situations to prevent these feelings.
Anxiety can actually be a good thing, however. When we learn how to work with it, rather than fighting it, we may find that symptoms begin to go away on their own. My approach to treating anxiety is to utilize a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to examine anxious thoughts, figure out ways to readjust our thinking, and develop better coping skills. Together we can work on how to manage this feeling so that you can take back control of your life. For more information on Anxiety, Click Here.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is a therapy that has been shown to be effective in over 2,000 research studies. It is present-oriented therapy that helps individuals identify goals that are most important to them and overcome obstacles that get in the way.
CBT is based on the cognitive model: If a person can change the way they think, they can begin to change the way they feel, and ultimately change their behavior.
One important part of CBT is helping patients figure out what they most want from life and how to move toward achieving their vision. They learn skills to modify thinking and behavior to achieve lasting improvement in mood and functioning and instill a sense of well-being. Depending on your needs, I integrate CBT into all my sessions or use it as a standalone approach. I am listed as part of The Academy of Cognitive Therapy’s referral Therapist network. For more information on CBT, Click Here.
Comprehensive Behavioral Interventions for Tics (CBIT)
CBIT is a powerful technique that has been demonstrated to reduce tic severity. CBIT is a non-drug treatment consisting of three important components:
· Training the patient to be more aware of tics.
· Training patients to engage in competing behavior when they feel the urge to tic.
· Making changes to day-to-day activities in ways that can be helpful in reducing tics.
CBIT is a highly structured therapy that typically takes place with a therapist on a weekly basis. The standard treatment is 8 sessions over 10 weeks, but can be longer or shorter depending on the patient’s needs. You will be asked to purchase a workbook to help guide us through this process. The first step in CBIT is to teach the patient to become more aware of their tics and the urge to tic. Next, the patient is taught to perform a specific behavior that makes the tic more difficult to do, as soon as the tic or urge appears. The final step of CBIT, the functional intervention (FI), is based on the fact that certain situations or reactions to tics can make them worse than they might otherwise be. The goal of FI is to identify these situations and have the patient and family attempt to change them so the tics aren’t made worse unnecessarily. To learn more about this therapy, click here or please visit the Tourette Association of America.
PLEASE NOTE: If you haven't been formally diagnosed with a "tic disorder," prior to seeing me for this service, it is recommended that you contact a neurologist who specializes in movement disorders to evaluate your symptoms. There are numerous reasons why people can have tics, and it is recommended that you rule out other conditions before seeking to correct them with behavioral therapy. Also please note that for this specific modality I only work with adults aged 18 and over. We also may need to integrate the help of family members or friends as part of the treatment approach.
LGBTQ+ Concerns
Despite rapidly growing cultural acceptance of diverse sexual orientations and gender identifications—discrimination and marginalization of LGBTQ+ community persists in various forms. Today's LGBTQ+ individuals face new challenges and sources of distress that lead to higher levels of depression, anxiety, substance use, and other mental health issues. Some of them are aging, relationship dilemmas, decisions to be in non-monogamous relationships, raising children, coming out, and societal pressures and expectations. These, to name a few, can take a toll on LGBTQ+ individuals. But you need not go it alone. Together, we can navigate through these new challenges and find the best way to address your individual concerns.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is condition affecting people of all ages and walks of life. People with OCD experience cycles of unwanted thoughts and obsessions that can feel incredibly disturbing. The thoughts can lead to behaviors or rituals to try and eliminate the unwanted thoughts, which lead to a vicious cycle that can leave people feeling isolated and overwhelmed.
OCD may also present in other ways, such as in:
Skin Picking
Hair Pulling
My treatment approach to OCD is a combination of CBT and ERP. Depending on the type of OCD you are struggling with, treatment approaches will very. I am a part a part of the International OCD Foundation's Therapist Network and have been trained in ERP through the organization. To find out more about OCD, Click here.
PLEASE NOTE: Some treatment for OCD will be unconventional. In some cases, I may require house visits and family participation, but be assured that all treatment related to OCD is always in the interest of helping you manage unwanted thoughts and rituals.
Body Dysmorphia/Muscle Dysmorphia (aka “Bigorexia”)
Body Dysmorphia involves an obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance, such as having a nose that is too big, not being thin enough, or, in the case of Bigorexia, not feeling muscular enough (or feeling that a part of your body is not muscular enough). These perceived flaws in appearance often lead people to frequently examine themselves, compare themselves to others, and avoid social events, people, or places. This condition may also lead to behavior that can become disruptive to a person’s life, such as working out obsessively or going through unnecessary cosmetic procedures. Individuals with this condition often feel isolated, lonely, and overwhelmed by their feelings and behavior. If you are struggling with this, know that you are not alone. My treatment approach involves a combination of ERP and CBT targeted specifically for this disorder. To find out more about Body Dysmorphia, Click Here.
Exposure Response Prevention Therapy (ERP)
ERP is a modality that was developed to help people confront their fears, thoughts, and OCD rituals. When people are fearful of something, they tend to avoid the feared objects, activities or situations. Although this avoidance might help reduce feelings of fear and intrusive thoughts in the short term, over the long term it can make the fear become worse. In such situations, I recommend a program of exposure therapy to help break the pattern of avoidance and fear. In this form of therapy, we create a safe environment in which you learn to confront the things you fear and avoid. The exposure to feared objects, activities or situations in a safe environment helps reduce fear and decrease avoidance. Exposure therapy has been scientifically demonstrated to be a helpful treatment or treatment component for a range of problems, including:
· Phobias
· Panic Disorder
· Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
· Body/Muscle Dysmorphia
· Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
· Generalized Anxiety Disorder
People can have mixed feelings exposure therapy because it can sometimes be seen as too invasive. My approach, however, is to always begin by making you comfortable and providing further education. For OCD you will be asked to get a workbook for this type of therapy to help guide the process. Exposure therapy at its core is about learning to tolerate uncertainty. In my experience, people ultimately feel empowered when they are finally able to confront the objects or situations that have long held them back and are able to see that they can handle the uncertainty. I am a certified therapist in ERP and would be happy to talk to you more about this form of therapy. To learn more about Exposure Therapy, Click Here.
Trauma is the experience of severe psychological distress following any terrible or life-threatening event. Sufferers may develop emotional disturbances such as extreme anxiety, anger, sadness, survivor’s guilt, or PTSD. They may have ongoing problems with sleep or physical pain, encounter turbulence in their personal and professional relationships, and feel a diminished sense of self-worth due to the overwhelming amount of stress.
Traumatic experiences often arouse strong, confused feelings that may or may not abate on their own. In the immediate aftermath of a traumatic event, it is common to experience shock or denial. A person may undergo a range of emotional reactions, such as fear, anger, guilt, and shame. Feelings of helplessness and vulnerability are also common. Some may experience flashbacks and other signs of PTSD. Traumatic memories can fade naturally with time, but persistence of symptoms is a signal that professional help is needed.
Although the instigating event may overpower a person’s coping resources available at the time, it is possible to develop healthy ways of dealing with the experience and diminishing its effects. My approach to treating trauma is to work toward a re-exploration of the traumatic event so that the narrative and thoughts that we have been telling ourselves can slowly change over time. For some individuals I recommend EMDR.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. This therapy briefly focuses on the trauma while you simultaneously move your eyes in a specific way (known as bilateral stimulation), which can result in a reduction of the vividness and feelings associated with the trauma or painful memories. Repeated studies show that using EMDR therapy is an effective approach to treating trauma, anxiety, and a range of other disorders. Check out my profile on EMDRIA. To learn more about EMDR, please Click Here.
PLEASE NOTE: This a nontraditional therapy approach that can be used as a standalone, or in conjunction with other therapy. To find out more about this type of therapy, or to see if this therapy might be right for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact me.
Creative/Performing Arts/Entertainment Industry Professionals
Actors, dancers, musicians, painters, writers, TV personalities, and others involved in the creative arts are often vulnerable to a variety of challenges that are unique to those who choose to make their living in these fields. These careers can come with unpredictability and high levels of stress. Unlike many other professions, there is often no clear-cut path to professional success or advancement. Studies suggest that creative individuals face high rates of depression and anxiety because of the nature of their careers. From creative blocks and performance anxiety to managing professional success and occupational stress, the highs and lows can be daunting, but you need not do it alone. Together we can get to the underlying root of all these concerns and get you back on track. Need more information or resources? Check out Behind the Scenes or the Entertainment Community Fund.
Men's Issues
Research has taught us that men don’t often seek out therapy on their own. There are beliefs of “therapy is for the weak” and “l can handle my problems on my own” that keep men from seeking help. Often men go to therapy when something or someone has prompted them and things in their life have gotten worse. (If you’re reading this and are seeking out therapy on your own, give yourself a pat on the back! This can be a good place to start the process.)
Men have a complexity of issues that often remain unaddressed. While it may not be commonly discussed, men suffer from issues that can lead them to feeling angry, discontent, and lonely, to name a few. The most common issues men come to see me for are anger management, sexual performance difficulties, marital and extramarital concerns, life changes, feelings of inadequacy as a provider, body image perceptions, and work-related situations. Having a non-judgmental environment with which to examine these issues can lead to a greater sense of self-empowerment. If you’re ready to come to therapy or are on the fence about whether you need therapy, feel free to give me a call and we can discuss your concerns.
Anger Management
Anger can be thought of as a secondary emotion or a mask we put on to give ourselves the illusion that we are in control of a situation. Getting angry at someone, lashing out at individuals (or other behavioral issues), or keeping our frustration built up inside of us are symptoms of something deeper inside of us that we may not fully realize. Oftentimes, beneath the mask of anger is fear, sadness, disappointment, and an array of other emotions that we never learned to handle or express appropriately. We manifest these feelings as anger to try and take back control of the situation, but this frequently leads to negative consequences. If you find yourself getting angry all the time or those around you are starting to point out your anger, it might be time to examine this emotion on a deeper level. My approach to addressing anger is to explore the root causes of what makes us angry and look for healthier ways to deal with what lies beneath.
PLEASE NOTE: I cannot see people who are currently involved in legal disputes as a result of their anger. If you currently have a restraining order against you, are in the middle of a custody dispute, have pending charges against you, or you are anticipating being involved in court proceedings, my services will not be appropriate for you at this time. My services are not considered a substitute for traditional anger management courses that will suffice for court mandates. When your legal issues are resolved, you may contact me then.
Sex Addiction/ Pornography Addiction
Sex addiction has yet to be classified as an official disorder, but those struggling will know the impact that it has on their lives. Much like OCD, sex and porn addiction is a compulsive urge to act on a sexual behavior or watch pornography to avoid unwanted feelings and thoughts. A history of trauma, OCD, anxiety, and other substance use disorders may be present. For many, acting on these impulses can lead to chronic lying, cheating, feelings of guilt, shame, and remorse about their behaviors. Many people come to therapy when they have experienced the negative consequences.
While sex and porn addiction can be challenging, I help individuals commit toward building a healthy relationship with sex and sexuality to work through the underlying problems to achieve a meaningful and value driven life. Please check out Sex Addicts Anonymous for more information.
PLEASE NOTE: I do not work with Sex Offenders or individuals who are facing legal consequences.
ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) encourages individuals to embrace, acknowledge, validate, and make room for their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting or feeling guilty for them. ACT is a mindfulness-based approach to therapy that focuses on practicing self-acceptance and allows a person to be more psychologically flexible. ACT is used to treat a multitude of disorders, including anxiety, depression, OCD, and trauma. I use ACT in some form in all sessions with my patients. If you would like more information on ACT, please Click Here